Hi my name is Maria! I am 11 years old and I am from Romania! I am mariaLOVEmileycyrus! I WANT TO BE A STAR!I want to be an actress!please tell me how!!!THANK YOU! My uncle is actor...I think he can help me! please comment ! ____*#######* ____*##########* __*##############* __*################* _*##################*_________*######* __*##################*_____*##########* __*##################*___*#############* ___*#################*_*###############* ____*#################################* ______*###############################* _______*#############################* ________*###########################* __________*########################* ___________*#####################* ____________*###################* _____________*################* ______________*##############* _______________*############* ________________*##########* _________________*########* __________________*######* __________________*#####* ___________________*###* ____________________*##*
eu iti zic doar: daca vrei sa fi vedeta ramai tu....nu pretinde ca esti cn nu esti...pt ca o sa ajungi asa....exerseaza....si nu incerca daca nu ai talent....crede-ma o sa te faci de ras daca incerci si nu ai talent
You are sweet!To be a star:
You need to be grounded as you can
Take care! Not get discouraged!
You need to know to do something that only you can be good.
And above all,
You must have talent!
If you have talent you have chances.
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